I have some great news to share! My boy slept through the night! Yes all the way from 845 pm ( a little later than usual due to a late afternoon nap) till 615 am. Yipee! I am so so happy today, I feel like a new person. I am able to think straight, feel less overwhelmed with the day ahead and my body feels less achey!
Now when I think back to the day before, I am looking at his food intake and in the evening his menu was parsnip and carrot with pearl barley steamed and cooked in garlic and rosemary. He was famished at 5 pm and had a good portion. He was so distracted in the afternoon and pushed his afternoon nap and slept in the car for 30 mins post dinner. When we reached home, he tried some mashed potato with carrot which the family were eating. 5-6 spoonfuls of this and his usual 6 oz of milk before bed.
My mommy friend said her twin boys tend to sleep through if they have pasta, potatoes or cheese for dinner. You can imagine what is on the menu tonight for my boy's eve meal!
So here I ask myself- Is sleeping through the night food related? Is the trick lots of carbohydrates before bed? Parents-please comment with your experiences. I can't wait to see what's in store for tonight.