Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Mediterranean Vegetables and Pesto Tart

Today has been a super chaotic day. My cleaner cancelled on me last minute! Arrgh! I really didn't need this what with the dishes piled in the sink from last night, sheets needed changing and the usual hoovering, mopping and dusting that had to take place. I was really missing my 'the cleaner has come and sorted my inner and outer chaos and now I feel at peace for maybe 2 hours' feeling. It really feels like a session of therapy once she has left my house shiny and new. So on top of cleaning the house in shifts- shift one was before the morning activity, shift two after my son's nap, shift three after the afternoon activity and shift four is still due, after the kids have gone to sleep. Where was the time to cook dinner? The kids and I had gone for an afternoon activity where they made scones. It was so lovely to see them in their aprons and hats and flour all over their faces! My kids just love cooking! This is what it's all about, having fun and getting stuck in there! Having been inspired by that experience, I decided the kids and I would make dinner together. I came up with something healthy, quick and where the kids could get involved. So we made a roasted vegetable tart with a pesto base baked with parmesan cheese. Accompanying this was a bowlful of rocket salad, some olives and anchovies.

So for a family of 4 and there will be some left overs for lunch tomorrow!

1 shortcrust pastry pack
1/2 a jar of green pesto sauce
thinly sliced vegetables:
yellow peppers
cherry tomatoes
grated parmesan cheese
olive oil
salt and pepper

1. Roll out your pastry and then trans

fer to a greased/floured baking tray
2. Turn the oven to 200c
3. Spread the pesto all over the pastry sheet
4. Now add the sliced vegetables
5. Top with parmesan, oregano and salt and pepper
6. Sprinkle with olive oil and bake in the oven for 12 minutes or until crispy and golden


Monday, 10 June 2013

A Week of Appreciation

This week was a week of new beginnings for me. It started off with glorious sunshine which seriously improves my state of mind! Lots of fresh air, trips to the parks and eating ice cream was welcomed by both the children and I.

Spices for my Sweets started June workshops and it was special as all the moms and babies were brand new. Some moms had their wee ones, barely 6 months old and were keen to learn about purees and including spices in their meals. Another mom was pregnant with her second baby and due in a few months. She was interested in learning new recipes. Then there was another mom who wanted to move her little one from puree foods to chunkier textures. Everyone who came had something unique that they wanted to gain from the workshops and I hope that in the next 5 weeks they will not be disappointed.

I demonstrated red masoor lentils with steamed courgette and a pinch of turmeric for the 6 month old babies and a butternut squash with sage risotto for the 9 month olds.

On Friday night, after dropping my children off to my mother's, my hubby and I attended the Kensington Mums Exhibition in Chelsea. It was a fantastic evening lead by Dina tributing to mothers. There were photos of mothers holding small chalkboards with words on it to sum up what we felt about motherhood. We had to complete the sentence " I am a mother and a ..." I chose the word 'fulfilled' and I truly mean it! Though there are days where I want to pull my hair out, overall life doesn't have as much meaning or depth till you have children.

Then we watched a video of all the one minute clips of 40 mothers put together. Each mom spoke of the joys, sorrows and transformation motherhood has had on them.

I met so many wonderful moms- moms who are now artists, bloggers, working and studying but all as a result of having their little ones. I left the evening with a goody bag and a cupcake, which I saved for the kids.

The week rounded off with feeling immensely appreciated by my moms in the class, from my hubby and from my children.