Monday, 7 November 2011

The Weaning Diaries...

Its been exactly 10 days since my little boy has started weaning. He was having some baby porridge a month before I started, but now he is onto fruits and vegetables. I have started him on one meal to get an idea of how hungry he is. The verdict so far? My boy is hungry! He first started slowly taking in each mouthful, gagging on the spoon and making a mess everywhere. In this short span, he has learnt how to hold the food in his mouth and swallow. The first food he had was butternut squash, and this was easy to make (chop up, steam in colander and blend with some water) and he had no reaction (allergy wise) and he easily expelled it in his poo an hour later. So that was simple. Then there was avocado, which he loved but rather rich and heavy on his system which took over 36 hours to come out but with some advice from a dear mommy friend some steamed pear did the trick. Of course there was banana, but I was wary as this too can constipate the baby so I mixed this with his porridge in the morning. I did try some rice with steamed carrot, however he found this hard to eat, even after the rice had been over cooked and blended. And his favorite so far has been steamed courgette and steamed sweet potato.

I am leaning towards introducing more vegetables than fruit in his diet simply because babies tend to like more sweet flavours. So far, my boy has eaten everything except for the rice. I did find another recipe suggesting to put the rice in a spice grinder and then cook it. I think I will try this and it will keep him fuller for longer.

And now portions, started with 5 teaspoons and now its already over 10-12 teaspoons followed by 5-6 ounces of milk. Since yesterday I noticed he wasnt satisfied  after his food, so today I have increased the portion. And tomorrow I will introduce the third meal and see how satisfied he is. My guess is that he needs it!

At the same time, I am working on dropping his night feeds, and I feel there is a difference now that he has started eating solids. Wish me luck out there, I hope to have some uninterrupted sleep! Its been six months and my brain is slowly frying....

Tomorrow's menu: Breakfast: Porridge with steamed pear and cinnamon;
Lunch: Yellow lentils
Dinner: Steamed sweet potato and courgette
Followed by usual milk feeds...


  1. Samar said he can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

  2. Oi, what's in the photo? I want! :p

  3. Hey Muki Masi, Its steamed apple with cinnamon and cloves--something we all enjoy with breakfast in the morning. Now my little one can enjoy it too!

  4. great post kim! even though i am not a even a mum and i enjoyed reading it! great idea to give the whole days menu :)

  5. Hey Kim!
    I bought the boys some cheap long sleeve shirts from Asda to protect their clothes. Works way better than those overall bibs, and easier to put on!
    I'm impressed with how much Samar is eating, what a blessing! I bet he'll love the chicken and lamb dishes!
