This week has been a roller coaster of highs and lows. It started off fantastic with having an 8 page recipe feature in Mother and Baby India magazine (April 2013). Copies are only available in India and I am getting my hands on a copy asap to share it with all of you! That has kept me on a high!
Followed by a wonderful weaning workshop on Wednesday, Spices for my Sweets. It was a new set of classes where we cooked lentils with steamed courgette and an aromatic beef stew using root vegetables. It really felt special as there were many new moms, new babies and and lots of cooking!

Sadly it went down hill from there as I picked up a nasty viral flu and the doctor recommended plenty of rest and no anti biotics. Rest? Like other moms I was thinking how on earth would I rest with two toddlers? No chance of that happening right? But luckily, the grandparents had them for two days so I could just rest and catch up on sleep. I have been battling a blocked nose prior to the viral flu for two weeks, and that was part of the problem as to why it was lingering on. I know how important rest is but it's easier said than done. I think making that time for yourself is very hard and I need to learn to put some time aside for myself. Today they children are both by my side and I feel so relaxed, rested and so so happy that they are with me. A few days ago I was left feeling frustrated and physically drained and now I am as good as new.
So its not just about feeding the little ones, but feeding yourself--the carer as you have the most important job in the world. And by feeding I mean, putting good stuff into your body by resting, taking time out and of course eating good wholesome food. Staying positive, fresh and well is a priority so that the kids can benefit from that energy. Have a super weekend!
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