Wednesday 6 March 2013

What about Mommy?

As moms we spend so much time and effort for our little ones. Whether it be cooking, school drop off or nursing through the night. It can feel endless from the moment you rise till they are tucked into bed. The day ends with feelings of satisfaction, sometimes disappointment and most days just drained from all the emotional and physical demands.

The day is  broken up into little time slots: 20 mins for laundry, 10 mins for tidying up toys, 10 mins for prepping the vegetables for the evening's dinner, then another 20 for cooking it and 20 mins for the boring washing up and so on and on. Its just endless and these time slots are driving me insane. But in saying that, its the only way to manage the chaos and the never ending toys that are found everywhere- yes including the laundry hamper and the fridge. Help! We've been taken over!

It's already the month of March and spring is just around the corner? Well, kinda...and its Mother's Day on Sunday. And the point I am trying to make is that being in a caring role as a mom or a dad, there is very little care taken of ourselves. We need to to be fed or nurtured as well. I notice of late that whenever I go out to a restaurant I am literally eating like a starved woman. Just being able to order and be fed is the most loving thing! We went to Jamie Oliver's Italian restaurant on the weekend, and I honestly can say I ate more than my husband. And it felt great! I was actually full for a change. At home meal times tend to be rushed, or kids' leftovers and of course cold :(

So this Mother's Day--not just moms but dads, take some time to sip a cup of coffee very slowly or just forget about doing the dishes for one day. Being a parent is never ending and as my mom always says 'a mother's job is never finished'.

Happy Mothers Day for Sunday. May it be full of lots of love and kisses!

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